Egg Tester Plus™, Interview by PoultrySite.Com at IPPE 2023

During IPPE 2023 (Jan 24-26, 2023 at Atlanta, GA), we were interviewed for our new product, Egg Tester Plus™, by Ms. Sarah Mikesell from ThePoultrySite.Com / Global Ag Media.

Here is the link for the full interview.

About Egg Tester Plus:
Egg Tester Plus™ is a newest product by ORKA Food Technology and it measures and calculates Haugh unityolk color, egg weight and USDA Grade! It is a newer version of our legacy EggAnalyzer.
Results of traditional methods are more subjective and open to inconsistent results. The Egg Tester Plus™ uses cutting edge technology to measure the egg’s weight, albumen height and yolk color and automatically calculates the Haugh unit (HU) in just 17 seconds.
For more details, visit our product page here!

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